Category: R
- 28 March 2024
- gratia 0.9.0
- 02 February 2021
- Using random effects in GAMs with mgcv
- 31 January 2021
- Getting data from the Canada Covid-19 Tracker using R
- 30 January 2021
- Two new versions of gratia released
- 03 June 2020
- Extrapolating with B splines and GAMs
- 31 May 2020
- gratia 0.4.1 released
- 30 April 2020
- Rendering your README with GitHub Actions
- 25 October 2019
- Pivoting tidily
- 18 June 2019
- radian: a modern console for R
- 22 January 2019
- Tibbles, checking examples, & character encodings
- 10 December 2018
- Confidence intervals for GLMs
- 23 October 2018
- Introducing gratia:
- 21 April 2018
- Fitting GAMs with brms: part 1: a simple GAM
- 14 December 2017
- Comparing smooths in factor-smooth interactions II: ordered factors
- 19 October 2017
- First steps with MRF smooths:
- 11 October 2017
- Comparing smooths in factor-smooth interactions I: by-variable smooths
- 04 May 2017
- Fitting count and zero-inflated count GLMMs with mgcv
- 01 May 2017
- Prediction intervals for GLMs part II: Poisson GLMs
- 01 May 2017
- Prediction intervals for GLMs part I: Binomial GLMs
- 21 March 2017
- Simultaneous intervals for derivatives of smooths revisited:
- 25 January 2017
- Modelling extremes using generalized additive models:
- 16 December 2016
- Pangaea and R and open palaeo data: (also GAM all the things!)
- 15 December 2016
- Simultaneous intervals for smooths revisited: correcting a silly mistake
- 07 June 2016
- Rootograms: a new way to assess count models
- 24 May 2016
- Harvesting more Canadian climate data
- 17 April 2016
- A new default plot for multivariate dispersions: tribulations of base graphics programming
- 27 March 2016
- Soap-film smoothers & lake bathymetries
- 25 March 2016
- Additive modelling global temperature time series: revisited
- 23 November 2015
- Are some seasons warming more than others?
- 21 November 2015
- Climate change and spline interactions
- 08 October 2015
- User-friendly scaling
- 03 June 2015
- My aversion to pipes
- 02 June 2015
- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
- 16 April 2015
- Drawing rarefaction curves with custom colours
- 14 January 2015
- Harvesting Canadian climate data
- 03 November 2014
- Analysing a randomised complete block design with vegan
- 14 October 2014
- analogue 0.14-0 released
- 31 July 2014
- Simulating species abundance data with coenocliner
- 16 June 2014
- Confidence intervals for derivatives of splines in GAMs
- 15 May 2014
- Identifying periods of change in time series with GAMs
- 09 May 2014
- Modelling seasonal data with GAMs
- 09 January 2014
- Summarising multivariate palaeoenvironmental data: part 2
- 31 December 2013
- Decluttering ordination plots part 4: orditkplot()
- 28 December 2013
- Summarising multivariate palaeoenvironmental data: part 1
- 17 December 2013
- New version of permute on CRAN: version 0.8-0
- 14 December 2013
- New version of analogue on CRAN: version 0.12-0
- 23 October 2013
- Time series plots in R: with lattice & ggplot
- 09 September 2013
- Using Arial in R figures destined for PLOS ONE
- 27 June 2013
- Decluttering ordination plots part 3: ordipointlabel()
- 13 January 2013
- Decluttering ordination plots in vegan part 2: orditorp()
- 12 January 2013
- Decluttering ordination plots in vegan part 1: ordilabel()
- 11 January 2013
- Shading regions under a curve
- 05 January 2013
- Monotonic deshrinking in weighted averaging models
- 04 January 2013
- A new version of analogue for a new year
- 15 August 2012
- Processing sample labels using regular expressions in R
- 24 July 2012
- What's wrong with LOESS for palaeo data?
- 23 April 2012
- Quantitative palaeolimnology: my book chapters are finally out!
- 11 April 2012
- Customising vegan's ordination plots
- 08 April 2012
- Course: Analysing Palaeolimnological Data with R
- 01 April 2012
- A better way of saving and loading objects in R
- 12 January 2012
- New version of analogue (0.8-0)
- 08 December 2011
- AGU Fall Meeting Day 2
- 18 October 2011
- Generating restricted permutations with permute
- 04 October 2011
- permute: a package for generating restricted permutations
- 23 July 2011
- Passing non-graphical parameters to graphical functions using ...
- 21 July 2011
- Smoothing temporally correlated data
- 14 June 2011
- Embedding a time series with time delay in R — Part II
- 12 June 2011
- Additive modelling and the HadCRUT3v global mean temperature series
- 10 June 2011
- What is ordisurf() doing...?
- 08 June 2011
- Stratigraphic diagrams using analogue
- 01 June 2011
- New version of analogue (0.7-0)
- 01 June 2011
- Minor update to Vegan (1.17-10)
- 01 April 2011
- New version of vegan released to CRAN (1.17-9)
- 21 January 2011
- Embedding a time series with time delay in R
- 03 December 2010
- Why I love open source!