vegan the community ecology R package
What is vegan?
vegan is a community ecology package for R, implementing many popular methods including those for the analysis of ecological diversity and for multivariate analysis of community data.
- Diversity analysis: Shannon, Simpson, Fisher indices, Rényi diversities and Hill numbers.
- Species abundance models: Fisher and Preston models, species abundance distributions.
- Analysis of species richness: species accumulation curves, extrapolated richness.
- Ordination: support and meta functions for NMDS, redundancy analysis, constrained correspondence analysis, constrained analysis of proximities (all three with partial analysis),
- Support functions for ordination: dissimilarity indices, extended dissimilarities, Procrustes analysis, ordination diagnostics, permutation tests.
- Ordination and environment: vector fitting, centroid fitting and smooth surface fitting, adding species scores as weighted averages, adding convex hull, SD ellipses, arrows etc. to ordination.
- Dissimilarity analyses: ANOVA using dissimilarities, ANOSIM, MRPP, BIOENV, Mantel and partial Mantel tests.
- Data standardization: Hellinger, Wisconsin, Chi-square, Beals smoothing.
Bugs, feature requests
Bug reports and feature requests should be filed on Github.
vegan is released under the GNU General Public Licence Version 2.
- CRAN page
- Development site on Github